mercoledì 14 novembre 2018

Temple of the Ancients

It was in the 2013 when I met a webpage with this labyrinth. I produces a short-work map to play it with my players. They all died facing the Dark Beast (but this is another story).
I tryed to contact the author to give credits, today I have searched, but nothing appears on google…maybe too much years passed by.
The Temple is big. You can print it in A4 pages (look at the numbers on map for reference), or if you have access to a plotter printer it is better.
In play try to cover with black pages the zones not yet searched by the party, to avoid to give them a bird eye view of all the dungeon.
I have make two supplemental skeleton archers in the cardboards, for make things more interesting. If your group is thought, use them.

Good game ;-)

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